Launch day - and time for celebration

Monitor ERP


Months of diligent effort and collaboration across all departments have culminated in this milestone. Today marks a new era of streamlined processes across sales, planning, purchasing, financing, and production.

Monitor G5 is now LIVE!

The dedicated efforts of all involved ensured that everything was meticulously prepared for this morning's launch. Even on Saturday, our office was buzzing with activity until late. A heartfelt thank you to everyone for their immense contributions.

The Monitor ERP system is tailored for manufacturing companies, making it the ideal fit for our needs at JS Proputec A/S. We are confident that it will empower us to realize our full potential by seamlessly managing every aspect of our business, from material requirements to invoicing.

With numerous advantages, we eagerly anticipate integrating this system into our daily operations.

As always, we celebrate milestones with enthusiasm, and this is a significant one for us all. Kudos to everyone involved, with special appreciation extended to Jon Tjelle, our intern, who played a pivotal role in this project, and to Jørgen Callisen from Monitor ERP, whose dedication saw him spending countless hours in our office.

Here's to the power of teamwork - high fives all around!

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