ZPPU Conference – June 2021

Meeting Polish rendering executives


These days JS Proputec A/S Area Sales Manager Henrik Groes attends the yearly conference held by ZPPU - the polish rendering association together with our polish distributor EKOHELP.

EKOHELP has arranged for their company and JS to participate, and as previous years, they will give a presentation about their work in Poland, and their cooperation with JS.

Henrik Groes will in addition have a chance to introduce the JS Maintenance Mate® concept to all attending rendering executives, letting them know the many benefits of the concept towards optimized predictive maintenance, economy, and environmental impact.

Great expectations to the conference, and huge thanks to Justyna Zagórska and Mateusz Maruszewski from EKOHELP for their enthusiasm and help in this matter. As you can probably see at the picture below, the conference is held in beautiful weather 😊.

Click here for more info about the JS Maintenance Mate® concept.


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